Ventilation openings in the barn should provide constant fresh air supply, adequate to the season (66m3 / h in winter to 220m3 / h in summer). Opening and closing the curtain should be a procedure connected with the regulation of dampers in the ridge skylight.
Thanks to this connection, during summer strong circulation can be forced and natural air flow towards the ridge is made. During the winter the curtains cover the window openings, and the air intake to the building is restricts by the window brushes in order not to cool down the building and not to cause drafts. In the summer season, the completely abandoned curtains cause the air flow, which positively influences the welfare of animals.
Advantages of sliding ventilation windows:
Grupa Marco-Polo Sp. z o.o. sp. k.
Poniatowo, ul. Zwycięstwa 2c
09-300 Żuromin
tel./fax: 23 657 11 16. 23 684 19 16
e-mail: marcopolorol@wp.pl
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